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Feng Shui for Bedrooms

Writer's picture: Adrienne Thatcher.Adrienne Thatcher.

If you’re new to Feng Shui, a good place to start is your bedroom. Why? Your bedroom is the space that’s closest to you.

Another reason to start with your bedroom is that it represents you. It’s the embodiment of the idea that you start working on yourself, then move outward.

I spoke on the Feng Shui principles: that the bedroom is considered the room in your home that represents you. Take a moment to consider how many hours you spend in your bedroom versus all the other spaces in your home—and remember that, most of the time that we are in our bedrooms we’re sleeping in the bed. This is why your actual bed also symbolizes you. The many hours you lay in bed contribute to how much of your energy is absorbed into this piece of furniture. This is why the bed placement is one of the first things to consider when adjusting your home’s Feng Shui.

The best Feng Shui tip: Your bedroom should reflect the 3 R’s rule. Rest, Relaxation, and Romance. Your bedroom is your sanctuary and should be set up to achieve this.

Support and Stability in the Bedroom

As far as bed placement in Feng Shui there are many guidelines, including the commanding position, placing the bed in relation to doors, and so on. Another important consideration is to put your bed with the head against a solid wall, rather than under a window. There are a few reasons for this. First of all, a solid and stable wall will provide support and stability while you are sleeping. Ideally, you have a sturdy headboard that is fastened securely to the bed frame, and that headboard is placed against a solid wall.

When your bed is placed underneath a window, it may create challenges for those sleeping in the bed. When there is a window behind the bed, there is less security because a window is more fragile and, often, operable, which makes you feel less safe while you’re at rest. This is especially true for a bedroom on the ground floor.

When you’re sleeping, you are in a passive yin state, and if there is a possibility of danger from the window behind your headboard, over time this may lead to more stress. It’s not at all comforting or relaxing to sleep in an unsafe place. On the practical side, too, it’s not the best design choice to possibly block the window with your bed or headboard because you may block natural light. That said, when you’re on an upper floor, it’s less of a Feng Shui concern.

Bed Under a Window

If you have a bed that is placed under a window, it’s not the end of the world. It’s important to approach Feng Shui from a position of support rather than fear. Here are some of my Feng Shui tips to improve a bed placed under a window.

1. Move the Bed

In general, the best option is to move the bed to a different location, while still being mindful of the other Feng Shui principles. Remember, you are not doomed if you have to have your bed in front of the window. There are many situations where the architectural details of the bedroom make it impossible to place the bed any other way. Please do the best you can with what you have. But, if you can move the bed, that’s the first and best option.

2. Add a Solid Headboard

If you have to have a bed in front of the window, and that’s the only place for it, be sure that you have a strong and sturdy headboard that is attached to the bed. This will provide the necessary support, which is not provided by the window wall. The best Feng Shui3. headboards are solid, without perforations or bars, which are less supportive.

3. Install Window Treatments

You can install window treatments like drapes or roller shades to create energetic support. Visually, window coverings can provide a layer of reinforcement for you while you are sleeping in bed. Choosing treatments that are easy to keep clean is important—you don't want to have dust and debris collecting behind and above your bed.

4. Secure the Window

The difficulty of the bed placement under the window comes from the lack of security and safety that comes from having a window behind you while you’re in a restful sleep state. Adding an alarm system, locks, or other devices to limit the operability of the window will give you more support and improve the Feng Shui.

Commanding Position

One very important foundational concept in Feng Shui is called the commanding position. If you aren’t able to see your bedroom door while lying in bed, this means that your bed is not in the commanding position, and it means you’re not able to see who might be coming in. This can be disruptive, because when you are sleeping you’re in a more vulnerable state where you may not be able to protect yourself. Not being able to see the door from your bed can make you feel like you’re in danger, even if only on a subconscious level. You can go to my site at and download your free Trigram chart to find out what your command position is for overall harmony.

If your bed is not in command, the best thing to do is move it. If you aren’t able to move your bed, you can also place a small mirror at the foot of your bed that allows you to see a reflection of the door instead of the door itself. However, it’s always best to actually move the bed if your space allows it. the bedroom. Books are active energy and stimulate our minds. For a more restful night’s sleep, try moving the books out.

1. Keep your home gym out of the bedroom

Workout gear is very yang, meaning it is a source of active energy. While this can be great in other areas of your home, it’s not very helpful in your bedroom. You want the bedroom to be more yin to help you rest and sleep, so it’s best to keep exercise equipment in another area of your home.

2. Keeping your work life separate

Similarly to home workout equipment, the bedroom is also not the best place for a home office. Having your desk and work materials right next to your bed can make it harder to wind down in the evening, and can also make it harder to stay focused and alert during the day.

If you don’t have the space elsewhere in your home to create a dedicated office, do your best to create some separation within your bedroom with a curtain, folding screen, or bookshelf. If you don’t have room for that either, try covering your desk at the end of each day with a beautiful piece of cloth.

3. Cleanse your bedroom

Last but not least, make sure to take time and clear your bedroom regularly. You can smudge the bedroom or even just diffuse sweet orange oil to uplift for the best Feng Shui.

Let me know if you have questions about balancing the energy in your bedroom or would like to know more about my Feng Shui services.

Sloped Ceiling Over the Bed

A sloped ceiling over the bed can be an issue because it puts pressure on you while you’re sleeping. This is more of a concern if the low part of the ceiling is under about eight feet, and even more so if you

can’t stand up comfortably. If the low part of the ceiling is fairly close to you while you’re in bed, it can cause a lot of pressure on the part of your body that is directly below it. Ideally, it’s best to move your bed so that it’s not under the sloped ceiling. If you can’t move your bed, you can make sure the ceiling is painted to match the walls so that it feels higher, or place up lighting on the ceiling. This will help to brighten the area and bring light to the ceiling to lift the energy.

Beam Over the Bed

Similar to a sloped ceiling, a beam above the bed can create pressure on the body part located below the beam. It can also contribute to separation between partners if the beam runs right between where the two partners are sleeping. Again, the best solution is to move your bed if you can. If that’s not possible, you can drape an attractive fabric over the beam to conceal it. Ideally, the beam should also be painted to match the ceiling so that it doesn’t feel as contrasting or as oppressive. If the beam is quite high, it might not need to be adjusted, but it’s a good idea to make these changes if the beam is lower and closer to you.

Bed Next to the Wall

If the left or right side of the bed is pushed all the way up against a wall, this can create limitations with

your yin and yang energy, or your masculine and feminine sides. It can also create limitations in finding a partner, because nobody wants to sleep on the side of the bed that’s up against the wall. Ideally, you want just the headboard to be against the wall, and you want to have space on either side. If you don’t have a lot of room, just create as much space as you can on each side of the bed, even if it’s only a few inches on one side. You can also get a full-sized bed instead of a queen, if that will fit better into the room.

No Headboard

If at all possible, it’s best to have a headboard that’s fastened securely to the bed. You’ll also want to choose a headboard that is solid, without holes or bars. This provides stability for the people in the bed, as well as support for your relationship.

Mirror Facing the Bed

It is highly recommended not to have a mirror facing the bed and having the reflection of you while you sleep. If there is no other place for a mirror, simply cover it up at night to avoid restless sleeping and disruption with our dreams!

Thinking in Pairs

We want to think in pairs when arranging your bedroom furniture. This creates the balance and flow of chi in the bedroom. Two nightstands, two lamps. They don't have to match, but rather they should be complementary and balanced. It helps create space and harmony for you and your relationship.

Under your bed

Take a good look at what you have stored under your bed. The items under our beds affect you while you’re asleep in a passive “yin” state. Whatever you have under there may also represent or create subconscious blocks in your life.

Letters from ex-partners may keep you stuck in your current relationship status.

Shoes can keep you feeling like you’re moving rather than resting. Luggage might keep you on the go and never feeling quite at home. It’s time to clear out the space under your bed. If possible, it’s recommended to have no storage at all under the bed. Then, the qi (life force energy) can flow freely all around and rejuvenate you while you’re sleeping. If you must utilize it for some kind of storage, stick to soft, sleep-related items like linens, blankets, and pillows.

Reduce Electronics in the bedroom

On a practical level, we all know that the presence of devices in our bedroom can disrupt our sleep. If you have trouble getting a good night’s rest, try your best to keep electronics out of the bedroom. Buying an alarm clock and reading only books are two ways to keep you entertained and engaged without needing a phone or other electronics.

Being Selective with Artwork

Artwork in our bedroom can say a lot about and affect our personal lives.

For romance, family photos are best saved for the other rooms in the house. If you’re single and looking for a partnership, avoid images of single people or objects. Instead, invite partnerships with artwork that depicts or comes in pairs. Of course, your style and taste should always come into play—respect that.

Move out the Books

We love books, but if you have trouble feeling relaxed in your bedroom, it’s time to find a new home for them.

The book you’re currently reading on your nightstand is okay. We're talking about having stacks and stacks of books or bookshelves in

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